Conchéll Solarelle Anti HFMD & Anti H1N1 Sanitizer 5ml – 0.17 Fl. oz

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Conchéll Solarelle is a premium antimicrobial sanitizer for protection against Hand Foot Mouth Disease (HFMD) and influenza. Solarelle ultilises silver ion embedded TIO2 nanoparticles to kill 99.99% enterovirus and influenza
virus in a single application. Solarelle is able to provide long lasting protection and helps to reduce the risk against contracting HFMD and Influenza. Specially designed in handy and travel size pack that is convenient to carry around.

Kills 99.99% Enterovirus & H1N1 Virus
PH Neutral
No Alcohol
No Perfume
70~80 pumps, for those who prefers a wet feel after spray

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ORDERED Conchéll Solarelle Anti HFMD & Anti H1N1 Sanitizer 5ml – 0.17 Fl. oz